We aim to provide a variety of games in different categories whether it be simple Tap games and Action games with an Indian touch to it.
For Kids : We've made simple games with childlike stories & graphics, and the games which are easy to play, have less inputs, the games which helps to sharpen children Minds.
For Students/Youth : We've made adventurous games with realistic graphics & interesting stories & missions, and the games which are complicated to play, need more inputs & are full of fun and entertainment, with the integration of social media in game so that players can show-off & share results between each other.
For Upper Aged Players : At this age users are filled with experience, with good IQ's and strategies to solve anything, so we've made mind games with strategic stories & beautiful graphics for them, and the games which might easy to play, but hard enough to complete, the games which helps to prove your skills & strategies.
Any participant who wants to be the member of the desi games community needs to follow all rules and terms/condition in order to win the exciting prizes and goodies.
जो भी प्रतिभागी देसी खेल समुदाय का सदस्य बनना चाहता है, उसे रोमांचक पुरस्कार और उपहार जीतने के लिए सभी नियमों और शर्तों / शर्तों का पालन करना होगा।